I consume media every single day of my life. The screen time app on my phone says that I spend an average of six hours on my phone every day. Half of those hours are spent on instagram, where I am constantly exposed to media and advertisement. Its a problem, I am very well aware. I am always listening to some form of music as well. Furthermore, I do homework while watching netflix in the background every single day. I would say that all this media consumption affects me negatively. I have a tendency to be influenced by or believe whatever I read. This is very not good. My constant consumption of media also causes me to be very insecure. An example of this would be seeing ads on instagram for clothing and feeling bad about my body because of it. After taking a semester of critical thinking, I am much more aware of the media I consume. I find it funny actually. I find myself constantly pointing out the advertising techniques in ads I see and hear. For example, today I saw ...